ICT connection by choice

Tenants regularly ask us what options they have with regard to ICT connections within WTC Amsterdam. We are happy to confirm once again that tenants have complete freedom to choose and that various service providers already have operational connections within the building.

How does this work in practice?

Phone and internet

World Trade Center Amsterdam has outsourced the coordination of all connections between the telecommunications entry points and individual offices to NDI. NDI assesses the most logical route for connections and whether the construction is in accordance with the regulations. NDI also keeps records about which tenant has what connection and provider, and is responsible for installing new cabling either directly, or via a sub-contractor. The responsibility for telecom installations inside the office space lies with individual tenants.

Fibre optic distribution boxes

A central area has been established in the WTC car park on level P2 where providers who can demonstrate they have to connect several WTC customers at the same time can place a fiber optic distribution box. Neither tenant or provider will be charged for using the space, on condition that the provider can demonstrate that the installation of the box is indeed necessary. Other costs are in line with the statutory regulations. If you need to install a distribution box, contact NDI so they can coordinate the time and placement method.

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