IN Amsterdam

IN Amsterdam (formerly Expatcenter Amsterdam) provides an essential service for international companies and their highly skilled foreign employees at WTC Amsterdam. This initiative, supported by multiple cities and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), enables the handling of all necessary paperwork under one roof.

IN Amsterdam is focused on simplifying procedures to better meet the needs of international professionals. Expats can turn to IN Amsterdam for assistance with questions about living and working in the Netherlands, and the knowledgeable staff provides information and advice on a wide range of topics. The website offers useful links and tips, and the partnership program connects expats with reliable local service providers such as language schools and insurance companies.


Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed



Tower Two WTC Amsterdam

Strawinskylaan 1767, Amsterdam


Contact Information:

020 2547999

Ontdek onze andere faciliteiten

Onze eersteklas faciliteiten maken het moderne leven aangenaam. Naast de vele eet- en drinkgelegenheden, zijn ook praktische services zoals een stomerij en kinderopvang aanwezig.