Holland Interplan Asunaro

Holland Interplan Asunaro has been providing high-quality, furnished accommodation for international employees temporarily residing in the Netherlands for many years. Whether it’s a stylish apartment in Amsterdam or a spacious family home close to shops and schools, Holland Interplan Asunaro ensures that international workers feel at home, far from home. This service is ideal for professionals working in the offices of WTC Amsterdam and seeking comfortable and convenient housing options.


Opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed



Strawinskylaan 65, Amsterdam



+31(0)20 – 575 31 87


Ontdek onze andere faciliteiten

Onze eersteklas faciliteiten maken het moderne leven aangenaam. Naast de vele eet- en drinkgelegenheden, zijn ook praktische services zoals een stomerij en kinderopvang aanwezig.